
News Item

1/11/2021 8:43:36 PM
2020 Summary
We have all had new experiences in this the year of Covid 19. In March we decide that this Covid distraction was not going to hamper our efforts to support our troops abroad.
Imagine being half a world away, serving in dangerous places, placing ones life on the line, and then hearing about this virus and it’s impact on loved ones. We felt this year more than ever, the need to continue project in whatever way we could.
So with volunteers collecting items to mail, shopping in masks, and packing up boxes in our garage, the effort went on. We missed the camaraderie that we’ve grown to love and appreciate, but everyone did their part resulting in nearly 300 boxes being mailed. Our total since inception now 3797.
We have been blessed with donation, sponsorships, grants and gifts to enable us to fund the nearly $5700 in postage. Over 50 deployed service members received our packages, each in turn acting as an extension of SC-SM by sharing the goodies with their other team members .
We will never know all the lives touched by the material we send, but we certainly know that we have been blessed to do so. This project has many volunteers that participate and have participated over the years. While I’d love to name everyone, I won’t because to miss a name would be heartbreaking. So 2021 is here, we pray for good health to our volunteers, peace around the world to insure the safety of our service members. We pray for calm here in the USA, and blessings to all.
My husband often reminds me he had no idea in October of 2007, that we would still be at this all these years later. So until the need is met we will continue building on the nearly 4000 boxes already sent, by asking you all for names and donation, and a small measure of time, on the third Tuesday of each month, at 6:00PM at the TRN Club.
God Bless America.

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