
News Item

5/10/2020 9:27:52 PM
May 2020 Mailing

Next Mailing is on 5/19, we will return to pack boxes at 6:00pm on that date at the TRN club. The Bar is still closed so we will not have adult beverage available, but there is a soda machine from which we can purchase refreshments.

As you all know based on our past 2 mailings, we have exhausted all of our inventory. We will be mailing to service personnel serving in harms way in foreign lands so snacks and toiletries alike are needed.

We will observe social distancing, and discuss taking the boxes to the PO or having them do a porch pick-up. Most importantly we get to see each other again, and participate in our favorite project. Please wear a mask, stay home if your Not feeling well, and wash your hands. A head count of whose in would be nice, so send Alice a note confirming your participation ( or if you have any questions)

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