
News Item

12/12/2019 4:43:40 PM
December 17th Mailing

Our Tuesday 12/17 mailing will occur the same day as the Dorothy Mau celebration of life. Dan and Marty Mau’s mother passed on Monday night, and her wake, funeral and COL will be Tuesday 12/17.

Dan and I have discussed the fact that we are scheduled, and he insisted that we not cancel our mailing, and in fact said there would be plenty of food left from his mothers event to enable our crew to eat as well.

I plan to be at the club before 1:00 pm to assist with any preliminary staging of our stuff in the back room area. Dan expects his family and friends to gather starting at 2:00 and ending toward the time we usually start. I would like to see us bring our stuff in to the back and work back there to get ready, rather than spread out as we often do out of respect to any remaining mourners.

We have many from TRN members who volunteer, so is suspect some of you will be there for both activities, those coming just for the mailing just need to be mindful of this Celebration of Life for the mother of one of our members family.

This is a stark reminder to me of the fragility of life and the importance of our mission to bring a little love from home to those unable to be with their loved ones, particularly in this Christmas season.
God Bless the Mau Family and each of yours as well!

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