
News Item

7/15/2018 5:32:30 PM


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Alice Faye Lamb Beck to Springfield Cares - Soldier Mailing

We are running out of names and addresses to mail to our service men and women.We have names for our July mailing, but most will be coming home soon. I've PM'ed the Illinois National Guards, the United States Army, and several others that I have found on face book. Some have answered, but with no addresses, some just ignore, not sure what I'm doing wrong. 
Maybe they think we're not sincere in what we do, but, I do provide the web site, my email address, the site, telephone number - etc, and I ask them to please take some time and see what we have done in the past years, that we are honest true concerned American citizens, concerned about our men and women serving over seas in harms way.
So, I'm asking for your help - if you have any connections with anyone in the military, please forward our information and lets see what we can do, before we have no addresses. 
I'm willing to go out and speak and give a presentation if this is what it takes - give me a address and I'll go knocking on their doors - lol
God Bless

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