
News Item

9/28/2016 10:13:14 PM
Another GREAT Mailing
Hey Everyone, gots to tell you, these mailings, just get better and better each month. 
We had 18 volunteers show up with not only lots of goodies for our Military men and women,but the pot luck was out standing !!  Great job Lorie.
Maureen Jackson presented me (us) with a fantastic donation from her work place, Federated Funeral Directors of America - THANK YOU SO MUCH.  Maureen posted at work a flier that asked for a donation in order for the employees to wear ' FAVORITE SPORT'S TEAM'.  and, even though she stated there were more Cardinal shirts than Cub shirts, the out come was great. 
Remember, our next mailing will be held on October 18, 2016, again at the TRN club at 6:00 p.m.
Lorie will be letting us all know what kinda pot luck we'll be having. 
ALSO:  Thrivent Financial will be hosting a " Military Care Package" event on Saturday October 22, 2016
They will be meeting at the VFW Hall on Old Jacksonville Road.  They have asked us to help. 
Volunteers are need, as they are planning on packing up 100 boxes.
Starts at 8:00 a.m., breakfast will be served after all the packages are ready. 
Hope to see you out there. 
God Bless

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