
News Item

2/18/2016 1:05:37 AM
Yellow Ribbon

We've been invited by the 183rd to participate in their 'Yellow Ribbon' event, which will take place this Saturday, February 20th at the Crown Plaza.  I'm so excited.  Sandy Be'Gue and I will be setting up a booth, showing the different pictures and thank you cards that we have received in the past 8 years, in addition giving everyone a statement as to what Springfield Cares Soldier Mailing is all about.  Hoping to get a few names of folks that we can mail to.

We then set up our display on Sunday for the Chili challenge, at the Springfield Motor Boat Club !!  Gonna be fun, fun, fun,

AND then we have our mailing on the 23rd, Tuesday..........

Busy next couple of days !!  Loving every minute of it

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