
News Item

7/1/2015 11:37:43 PM
Finally a update....

It's been awhile since this site has been up-dated, and I apologize for this.  I'm in training - lol - thanks to my son Stewart, who created this site for us, and has the patience in helping this old lady, learning new things...(Love you Stew)

Our next mailing is going to be on July 21, 2015.  We will be meeting at the TRN club at 6:00 p.m.  If you wish, please bring a dish to share with all of the rest of the volunteers that help out.

At the last mailing, we packed up all of our inventory - we have no food nor toiletries for this up coming mailing, so with this being said, when you're out shopping if you could pick up a few items for our military - that would be great. 

Please look at the Donate page to see what our Military Hero's might like to receive from home........Cards and Letters are the Best !!

Let's let our Service men and women know that we're here and we're supporting them.

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